Monday, January 26, 2009

Present layout of building.

Layout of building.

The Dining Hall is a single floor freestanding structure, seventy-two feet across the beam, and seventy-five feet deep. It has four doors to the south, and large windows to the east and west. The north contains doors to a stage and kitchen stairs. A Carrol's Mirror is in a small room north of the dining hall, for rolling carts only and connecting only to the kitchen. The kitchens are below stairs, in the basement.

The hallway to the east adjoins the north end of the school proper to the dining hall via a gallery. This gallery has three entry doors to the south that go into the northeast hallway, three to the east that the north end of the school proper go outdoors, three doors to the north that go to the dining hall, one door to the west that goes to the enclosed courtyard, one door to a boys and one to a girls bathroom to the west. The entry has eight Carroll's Mirrors; two walking mirrors and three talkers on the south wall, two walking mirrors to the west, and two talkers to the north.

Proceeding south from the dining hall entry the classrooms are as follows: Left(west)-Third Grade, Second Grade, First Grade, Kindergarten, Southeast entry doors. Right(east)-Stairs leading up to the second floor, Forth Grade, Introduction to Magic/Ethics, Stairs leading up to the second floor, South Hallway, Southeast entry doors.

South Hallway connects east and west wings of the school. There are four classrooms to the south, glass doors to the courtyard to the north. The classrooms are as follows, from the east: Charms, Charms, Transfiguration, Transfiguration.

West wing adjoins to the south hallway to the southeast, has its own exit doors to the south, and gives way to the green house and field house to the north. There are six classrooms in the west wing first floor. From the south hallway going north they are: east side(right) stairwell going to the second floor, Potions, Potions, Stairwell going up to the second floor, girls toilet, boys toilet, North (field house) entry. West side(left) going north is: Life Science, Physical Science, Defensive Magic, Herbology, Trophy Hall, Stairwell going to the second floor, Gymnasium.

Trophy hall: Going west; vestibule, outside doors to left(south), basement door to immediate right(northeast), hallway to Herbology lab and greenhouses ahead right(northwest). Herbology lab is at the end of a long passage due west of the northwest corner of the main building. The lab has an entry door to the east, and doors gaining the greenhouses to the north. There are two greenhouses. One is a "hot" (heated) greenhouse, directly north of the lab, and the other a "cold frame" (unheated, but enclosed) greenhouse directly west of the hot house. Both are the same size: 24' wide by 108' long, and divided into two sections, the southernmost being 24' wide by 72' long, adjoined to the north by one 24' wide by 36' long. There are entry doors on the north and east walls of the smaller sections of each greenhouse, and a fenced-in courtyard between the greenhouses and the gymnasium.

Second floor: West: From South, on west side; Infirmary, Homemaking, Small Hallway has five talker Carrol's Mirrors, stairwell going to third floor. East side going north has the upper class lounge, then girls and boys toilets.

North of the homemaking Class room(but not accessable to it) is a shared classroom opening on the north to a small hallway. The hallway has a small unisex toilet to the west(left), doors opening to a running track which circles the upper level of the gymnasium to the north, and stairs to the east(right) going downstairs, where they terminate directly south of the gymnasium, west(left) of the gymnasium doors.

South Hall: West to east, on the south(right) side; Mage Zoology, Arithramancy, Runes, Astronomy, Divination. Mage History/Social Studies On the north(left) side, going east are doors to the stairwell going downstairs (west, or left) and Upperclassmen Lounge, if followed straight, four windows overlooking the courtyard, and doors to stairs going downstairs (east, or right) and Underclassman Lounge straight ahead.

East Hall, looking north; east(right): Muggle Studies.

Upperclassmen(west) lounge, looking north, on the north wall: to the west(left) hall, with stairs going down to the second floor, to the east a trio of unisex toilets.

Underclassman(east) lounge: looking north, on the north wall; hallway. Hallway has: to stairs (east, or right) going downstairs, Dean in Residence office to the west(left), Dean in Residence personal chambers straight.

Third floor is all dormitory space. Upperclassmen to the west, Underclassmen to the east.

Basement has the boiler room, changing rooms for physical education classes (off northwest stairs, directly under gymnasium) kitchen (directly under the dining hall, stairwell to the north of the dining room proper.) Also has Administrative offices, under south passage and classrooms.

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